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Welcome To
Skin Wellness for ALL

A high school student-led nonprofit organization aims to educate people about dermatology knowledge, and raise awareness of skin health.

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Our mission

Skin Wellness for ALL (SKINWFA) is a student-led organization founded in 2023. Our core commitment is to educate a wider range of people about dermatology and raise awareness of skin health through a variety of online and in-person educational initiatives. We also hope to promote interest in the field of dermatology among more students. 

At Skin Wellness For ALL, we provide a platform for students who are passionate about the dermatology field of medicine, the opportunity to not only learn but also contribute in a meaningful way, through creating informative Blogs/instagram post, and article, to spread dermatology insights and raise skin health awareness. In addition, students will be able to delve into topics related to dermatology, and skincare/cosmetic products' chemical ingredients. Our organization is also dedicated to giving back to the community through our in-person events such as donation, educational booklet created by our member.

We aspire to cultivate knowledge, compassion, and passion to make skin health more accessible to as many people as possible. Come and join us on our journey to healthier skin and a better future.

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Our current impact:
We currently have a membership of 160+ individuals, including 37 writers from over 8+ countries. Our community is characterized by diversity, encompassing not only high school students, but also numerous pre-medical students from top universities.

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