Writer: Akshara Mahadevan
What is Pityriasis Alba?
Pityriasis Alba, which is essentially dry white patches on the skin, is a prevalent
and benign dermatological condition that predominantly affects children and
adolescents. This skin disorder is often considered a minor manifestation of
atopic dermatitis and is typically associated with a history of atopy which is the
genetic tendency to develop allergic diseases like atopic dermatitis (eczema).
What are the symptoms?
- Lesions can be found on the face, cheeks, arms, neck, chest and back (sun
exposure can accentuate the appearance of these lesions causing
- Dry and scaly patches
- Macules and patches that typically are circular or oval
- Pale pink or red spots that fade into light-colored patches
What are the causes?
- It commonly is considered a mild form of atopic dermatitis which is eczema.
Normally the immune system ignores normal proteins and attacks proteins of
harmful substances like bacteria and viruses. However, eczema can cause the
immune system to not always be able to distinguish between the two, thus
attacking healthy substances in the body which end up causing inflammation like
pityriasis alba.
- Pityriasis Alba follows a self resolving course and gradually restores normal skin
pigmentation. The resolution period for pityriasis alba ranges from months to a
few years, though most cases resolve in 1 year.
- Using low-potency topical corticosteroids, and mild emollients can also help with
restoring the skin.
- The affected areas should be protected from sun exposure to prevent the
worsening of the cosmetic appearance due to the darkening of the surrounding
skin. Using sunscreen can help prevent sunburn on the lesions and reduce
darkening of the skin around it.
- Mild emollients, like petroleum jelly and creams, can help reduce scaling.
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Disclaimer: Everything posted on our website and Instagram is intended for basic educational purposes only. If you suspect you have symptoms of any condition, it is essential to consult a dermatologist or your healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Our content is not a substitute for professional medical care.